






3D MAX , PHOTOSHOP,SKETCH UP,AUTO CAD,硬装设计私宅设计,公装设计。独立带领团队完成整体方案



• 室内设计、环境艺术或艺术设计等相关专业本科或研究生;

• 有5年或以上室内设计工作实际经验;

• 熟练使用草图大师Sketch Up、3D Max、Auto CAD、 PHOTOSHOP等相关工作软件,能独立完成设计方案并排版制作PPT,在设计方面有一定的专业水平;

• 具有一定的独特审美、表达能力及创新思维,能准确地理解和把握设计项目的空间特质,具备独立完成项目的能力;

• 对室内设计有独到见解,对施工工艺及造价有一定经验;

• 有较强的创意和管理能力,能够提交满足客户要求的设计方案;

• 有工装经验,高端私宅等设计项目案例经验者优先;

• 有良好的职业道德,高度的责任心,出色的沟通协调处理能力,可以与其他部门紧密衔接工作,协调设计团队,并带领团队进行工作。


Scheme Designer


Skill requirements

3D MAX , PHOTOSHOP, SKETCH UP, AUTO CAD, interior architectural design, residential design, commercial design. Independently leading a team to complete the overall project.


Job qualifications

• Undergraduate or graduate degree in relevant majors such as interior design, environmental art, or art design;

• At least 5 years or more of practical experience in interior design;

• Proficient in Sketch Up, 3D Max, Auto CAD, PHOTOSHOP, and other relevant design software. Capable of independently creating design proposals and creating PPT presentations. Possesses a high level of professionalism in design;

• Possesses a unique aesthetic sense, strong expressive abilities, and innovative thinking, with the ability to accurately understand and grasp the spatial characteristics of design projects, and capable of independently completing projects;

• Has unique insights into interior design and possesses certain experience in construction techniques and cost management;

• Has strong creative ideas and management ability and can submit satisfied design schemes for clients;

• Experience in commercial interior decoration and a track record in high-end residential design projects are preferred;

• Has strong professional ethics, a high sense of responsibility, excellent communication and coordination skills, can closely collaborate with other departments, coordinate the design team, and lead the team in their work.






3D建模、3D渲染、 PhotoShop 、Rhino 、Sketchup全职



• 有较高的审美与色彩把控能力,协助团队运作方案设计

• 专业的表现效果图能力,空间结构,色彩搭配,物料设计能力

• 高效的设计任务安排及管理,过硬的设计理论知识体系,独立进行设计项目概念设计能力

• 良好的团队协作能力,高质量的方案汇报,与各方沟通的能力


Interior Rendering Artist


Skill requirements

3D Modeling, 3D Rendering, PhotoShop, Rhino, Sketchup, Full time job


Job qualifications

• Possesses a strong sense of aesthetics and color control, assisting the team in developing design solutions;

•  Demonstrates professional skills in creating visual renderings, spatial structures, color coordination, and material design;

• Efficiently manages design tasks, possesses a solid foundation in design theory, and can independently conceptualize design projects;

• Collaborates effectively within the team, delivers high-quality design proposals, and excels in communication with all stakeholders.







• 配合主案设计师完成方案深化,负责公司办公空间以及私宅项目的深化设计工作

• 负责现场与施工方在施工工艺和设计等技术沟通

• 负责与其他专业(排水、电器、暖通)的协调工作

• 现场勘测,分析和测量工作

• 协助设计团队完成施工图,竣工图等相关图纸的制作,配合主案设计师做好深化工作,完成全套施工图绘制


Construction Drawing Designer


Job qualifications

• Collaborate with the lead designer to develop detailed design plans, responsible for the refinement of company office spaces and private residence projects;

• Handle technical communication with construction teams on construction processes and design matters;

• Coordinate with other professionals (plumbing, electrical, HVAC) as needed;

• Conduct on-site surveys, analysis, and measurements;

• Assist the design team in creating construction drawings, as-built drawings, and other relevant documents. Collaborate with the lead designer to ensure thorough detailing and completion of the entire set of construction drawings.






CAD 3DMax、Sketchup、PhotoShop、CorelDRAW、VRay



• 专业软件一定要过硬,时刻跟踪行业最新的效果表现和施工工艺

• 主动,新晋的同事要眼里有活,要渴望了解一切关于室内设计的资讯

• 思考,遇到设计师交代的事情自己不能很好的完成和理解时,要带着思考后的答案去请教

• 勤奋,这一点源于对专业的热爱,愿意把时间都专注于设计工作

• 保持学习状态,设计得初期需要模仿,分析优秀前辈的作品,多看多思考才能获得更多的收获

Interior Design Assistant


Skill requirements

CAD 3DMax、Sketchup、PhotoShop、CorelDRAW、VRay


Job qualifications

• Proficiency in professional software is essential, and it's important to stay updated on the latest trends in rendering and construction techniques;

• Be proactive; New colleagues should be eager to learn and seek information about all aspects of interior design;

• Think critically; When faced with tasks assigned by the designer that you cannot complete or fully understand, you should approach them with well-thought-out questions and seek guidance;

• Diligence stems from a passion for the profession, and a willingness to dedicate time and focus to design work;

• Maintain a learning mindset; In the early stages of your career, imitation and analysis of experienced designers' work, along with extensive observation and reflection, will lead to greater growth and understanding.







